Tuesday, June 17, 2008


INDIEPIX has come on board as our Executive Producers! The amazing and intrepid cine-pioneers BOB ALEXANDER and RYAN HARRINGTON (Tribeca Gucci Fund) are flexing their muscles on our behalf and we are very grateful.

Indiepix is a company we have long admired. Firstly because they had the incredible good taste, along with Ryan and Cactus 3, to put $ behind Sophia's documentary '21 Below". They are the champions of the little guy-filmmakers. Those of us who are less interested in making a killing then pushing artistic envelopes without sacrificing food.

We also welcome MOLLY CONNERS to our production team! Molly is one of those responsible for FROZEN RIVER which took home the Sundance Jury prize last year, and which will be released by Sony Classics in the fall and which stars one of our favorite actors and friends MELISSA LEO who gives an amazing Oscar worthy performance as the trailer park mom turned to smuggling illegal immigrants to make ends meet.

We are so proud to be associated with the kind of integrity and artistic excellence inherent in Indiepix, Ryan Harrington, and in Molly Conners. Onward!

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