Friday, July 4, 2008


The Stone Ridge Public Library, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary next June, is holding an auction to cast two speaking parts in SLAP AND TICKLE to benefit the building fund. MR. SNEED, the barman and LUCY MCMURTY the proprietor of the pool hall are on the block. Are you a closet thespian? So ... you wanna be in pictures? Here's your chance to benefit an excellent cause.

My soapbox: Libraries are the last bastions of democracy. Equal and open access to information levels the playing field. SUPPORT YOUR LIBRARY!

For more information contact: The Stone Ridge Library

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Dion Ogust took these stunning photos of Linda Powell and Caitlin Quinn at the home of celebrated writer and friend Laura Shaine, formerly Cunningham (Author of: Sleeping Arrangements, A Place in the Country, Dreams of Rescue).